Genentech BioOncology Interactive Data Visualization


When it comes to communicating the development of new medicines, medical tradeshows are filled with static bar charts that struggle to authentically convey hope, promise, and progress with detailed science. Genentech asked Stimulant to come up with something better, more engaging, and more uniquely theirs for the 50th anniversary of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) tradeshow. Given Genentech’s biotech pedigree and rich data available, we created an interactive visualization of their treatment pipeline that was the only interactive of its kind on the tradeshow floor.

A compelling interactive data visualization

Stimulant created a dual-screen “Pipeline Explorer” that featured data-driven layouts of molecules being researched and studied. These molecules linked both to their mechanisms of action as well as what types of tumors are being tested against, so that oncologists and researchers could self-select and filter by what they were uniquely interested in. 32″ multi-touch displays let attendees directly navigate the pipeline, while 80″ displays showcased content to passers-by, all staying fully compliant with federal and tradeshow regulations. A  casual experience guided visitors to other positions within the booth to go deeper into the science or to speak with a subject matter expert. We designed the data visualization to be “springy” and playful to reward interaction, without impacting the utility of the visualization.

Usage metrics informed future marketing efforts

Anonymized user interactions were captured in real-time and piped into Google Analytics. The data visualization interface let attendees explore treatments via two entry points: “Areas of Focus” and “Tumor Types.” In reviewing the aggregate data after the event, it was overwhelmingly clear that attendees (mostly doctors and researchers working on the front lines of these diseases) has a strong preference for how they wanted to learn about Genentech’s pipeline. This data was fed back to the marketing team and used to retool and revamp their marketing efforts, providing an unexpected benefit to the tradeshow rollout.

Designed for portability and re-use

As the treatment pipeline evolves, so does the interactive data visualization. Genentech amortized their investment by rolling out the experience nearly a dozen times to different tradeshows worldwide. We designed a content update process that enabled Genentech to quickly pass legal review and to ship the updated system to the show floor. We were able to support the systems remotely via our internally-developed monitoring platform which minimized travel expenses.

