Social Stream for Microsoft PixelSense


Microsoft’s PixelSense team asked Stimulant to create a touchscreen experience for events that aggregates live Tweets, Facebook posts, images from Flickr, and news stories into a multi-directional animated “stream,” creating a real-time display of relevant social content.

This application, called Social Stream, allows multiple users to simultaneously read, rotate, and explore this live data on the selected topics, and to “scrub” the stream itself backwards and forwards. Use of Microsoft Tags makes all the information shown on this in-place device portable for all users. Social Stream premiered at Worldwide Partner Conference and was one of the first uses of the Metro design language in a touch-only context, predating the release of Windows 8. It has since been used by the Weather Channel and by the Cola Cola Company at the 2012 London Olympics. The Social Stream source code is publicly available on github.

