Insights, Research, Leadership, & News
On the heels of yesterday’s announcement of BlissBomb, our application for the second-generation Sifteo Cubes, we were reminded of this time last year, when we submitted our first Sifteo application, LoopLoop, to the Interaction Design Association’s inaugural Interaction Design Awards. Stimulant and Sifteo were lucky enough to share the honor of being selected for two…
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We’re huge fans of the Sifteo Cube platform, having contributed a launch application for which Stimulant and Sifteo shared two 2012 Interaction Design Awards. When our friends at Sifteo asked if we’d like to play with some next-generation hardware…well, how could we resist? The latest Sifteo Cubes, just announced today, now have replaceable batteries, touch-sensitive screens,…
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Stimulant, alongside collaborator Sifteo, was honored with a pair of awards at the Interaction Design Association’s (IxDA) inaugural Interaction Design Awards at the Interaction 12 conference in Dublin on February 3rd. Our creation, LoopLoop, a groundbreaking music sequencer for tiny devices called Sifteo cubes, took top prize in ‘Best in Category, Expressing’ as well as…
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Foghorn asked us to create the interactive component for Intel’s booth at CES 2012. The result was the Intel Connect to Life Experience, the world’s largest interactive, multi-user, real-time-3D virtual life simulation. Spanning the entirety of Intel’s booth, conference attendees could use any of six custom-made stations around the perimeter of the booth to create…
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Microsoft had planned to only ship one application on the new Samsung SUR40 for Microsoft PixelSense platform, and they came to Stimulant to help design and develop it. Stimulant collaborated with the Microsoft Surface team to conceive and implement exciting new ways to let multiple people collaboratively search for images and locations, while intuitive clustering algorithms…
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Stimulant collaborated with Foghorn to build a 168-foot-wide interactive 3D virtual life simulation for Intel at CES 2012.
LoopLoop: A Music Toy for Sifteo’s Intelligent Play Platform
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