
Insights, Research, Leadership, & News

Eye Tracking for Digital Installations

We’re always looking for ways to sense what visitors are doing so that our digital experiences can react in ways beyond what people are used to seeing from their consumer devices. There isn’t yet a way to tap right into what people are thinking, but there is a new way to at least tell what…

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Ideum’s Tangible Engine SDK

We've used and recommended Ideum's all-in-one touch tables a few times and have been happy with their performance as well as the customer service from the company. Some of the Ideum team were in our neighborhood recently so we invited them to the studio to catch up on what we were all up to, but…

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Depth Sensor Shootout Update

The Stimulant Depth Sensor Shootout has grown to ten different cameras, now including the Intel RealSense SR300 (much improved over the previous generation) and the exciting new Orbbec Persee (which includes a full ARM SOC in the package). Check out our comparison to see what new possibilities these devices open up for interactive installations.

Depth Sensor Shootout

(Updated Jan 12 2018) Stimulant’s mission is to create “smart spaces” which engage visitors in ways that can’t be duplicated with devices they have in their home or their pocket. We achieve this through a variety of sensors and cameras feeding data into custom software, running on bespoke computing hardware, and outputting to any number…

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“Stimulation” Experience at WorldStage’s Mixed Reality Open House

  At WorldStage’s recent Mixed Reality Open House, we collaborated to create “Stimulation,” a unique and fun large-scale interactive LED experience. In addition to Stimulation, the Open House featured a wide variety of experimental and emerging display technologies. To take a look at the other demos featured via the link below: WorldStage Mixed Reality Open House…

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Skyspace LA Wins an FWA Award

We are proud to share that Stimulant has won an FWA Award for the immersive interactive experiences we created at Skyspace LA! Thank you again to our clients, incredible staff, and partners for your hard work and help bringing this to life. Learn more about the project and the FWA Awards here: FWA Award: Skyspace LA…

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Stimulant and The Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) Hit Silicon Valley

This past month, Stimulant took part in The Themed Entertainment Association (TEA)’s “SATE Academy Day” in the Silicon Valley. Stimulant is a proud member of TEA, an international association that represents the world’s leading creators, developers, designers and producers of compelling places and experiences. Stimulant was recently awarded TEA’s highest honor, the Thea Award for Outstanding…

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