Intel in many ways encompasses the canonical story of Silicon Valley, from its founders beginnings at Fairchild Semiconductor in the 60s to Intel’s current status as the undisputed king of processors. The Intel Museum’s mission is to present both the history of the organization as well as educate visitors about the company’s recent breakthroughs and future vision. The museum is free and open to the public, and hosts 120,000 child and adult visitors per year.
Since 2012, Stimulant has been the Intel Museum’s interactive partner of record. We’ve developed ten different exhibits that cover a staggering range of content, from highlighting fifty-plus years of company and employee achievements, milestones and world’s firsts, to making Moore’s Law and binary code understandable to schoolchildren, to interactively illustrating how the Internet of Things is improving the lives of millions today. In close partnership, we’ve helped Intel tell a variety of unique stories that carefully balance brand, education, and the right level of abstraction on highly technical topics.